At least 20 dead and more than 11 injured in the tragedy in La Paragua, southern Venezuela

At least 20 dead and more than 11 injured in the tragedy in La Paragua, southern Venezuela

Tragedy in La Paragua left at least 20 dead and more than 11 injured


When you arrive at the checkpoint of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) on the road to ‘La Paragua’ in the south of Bolívar State, the soldier not only asks you to identify yourself, he also writes down your personal information and photographs the car, after you tell them that you are a journalist. According to them, to report our presence in the area. That checkpoint is an hour and a half away from La Paragua.

Pableysa Ostos // Correspondent

At the hospital there are relatives on the outskirts waiting for their relatives to be brought in, while others wait at the Guacara port.

The rescue work in the mine began this Wednesday, February 21st, after 9:00 in the morning when the ‘curiaras’ (canoes) left for the ‘Bulla Loca’ mine, which is more than 4 hours away up the river.

Yorgi Arciniega, Mayor of Angostura in Bolívar State, reported that as of 3:24 in the afternoon, 15 dead and 4 injured had been transported. While the governor of the State of Bolívar, Ángel Marcano, declared there were 14 dead and 11 injured.

But what the relatives have found out is very different.



“Some have communicated from the mine and have told us that there are many more, that the injured are dying, because they are not given priority to transport them out. The ‘curiaras’ take a long time, that’s why we want them to use helicopters to rescue them.”

“Last night (February 20) they brought 4 wounded people and 2 died on the way. If we count between yesterday and today, the count we have is 18 dead, but there are more in the mine. There are over people who are still mining the pit. So, they get a body and throw dirt on it to continue working, this is horrible,” said the sister-in-law of one of the injured miners.

The level of the river has also made it difficult for boats to move, since it is very low. Added to that is that they do not have fuel to run them.

“The Government was asked for gasoline to be able to go there and they don’t give it either, rather they are seizing it,” they denounced.