Violent attacks increased by more than 270% in Guárico State in central Venezuela, and women are the most affected

Violent attacks increased by more than 270% in Guárico State in central Venezuela, and women are the most affected

Violent attacks increased by more than 270% in Guárico State in central Venezuela, and women are the most affected


Between January and September 2023, the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence (OVV) registered 83 victims of violent attacks, which represents an increase of 277% compared to the same period in 2022, when this ONG documented 22 attacks.

By Correspondent

The OVV-Guárico team detailed that among the attacks reported in 2023, 56 victims were women and 27 men, while in 2022 there were 12 female and 10 male victims.

According to the report published on the OVV web portal, of the 83 attacks in the first three quarters of the current year, 61% occurred in 3 of the 15 municipalities: Miranda, Roscio and Infante. Discriminating by sex of victims, in Miranda they documented 21 women and 8 men; in Roscio, 9 females and 4 males; in Infante, 6 women and 3 men.

OVV Guárico researchers highlighted that around 68% of assault victims are female.

Furthermore, they remarked that the increase in attacks coincides with what is stated by the World Health Organization and the European Institute for Gender Equality, which classify violence against women not only as a violation of human rights, but as a form of gender violence, a social and health problem of epidemic proportions throughout the world.

Regarding lethal violence, in the category of homicides, OVV-Guárico registered a total of 50 victims between January and September 2023 (44 men and 6 women), a figure similar to that of 2022 (46 men and 4 women).

In the category of deaths caused by police intervention (MIP), the NGO documented a decrease of 55%. While there were 40 deaths between January and September 2022, in the same period of 2023 there were 18 deaths.

The OVV-Guárico team highlighted that these figures are the results of constant monitoring of the local media in this central plains state.