The ULA continues to resist: Science Meeting captured the attention of elementary and high school students in Mérida

The ULA continues to resist: Science Meeting captured the attention of elementary and high school students in Mérida


Despite the adversities the “Universidad de Los Andes” (ULA, Mérida) continues to bet on the academy and research to train the future professionals in basic sciences, and once again the Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology Meet was held. Event which this year arrived at its XXIII edition.

By Jesus Quintero /

Young people eager for knowledge, students from different educational institutions, both in general secondary, primary and basic education, lived this exciting experience more closely and in turn had the opportunity to learn first-hand about the basic sciences.

Approximately 100 students participated and presented around 40 projects, experiments and demonstrations that were exhibited in the spaces of the Faculty of Sciences of the “Universidad de Los Andes” in the city of Mérida.

The future professionals of the basic sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology put to the test what they had learned in the classroom during their studies, showing high-level scientific projects.

This is one of the events most anticipated by university students and the Merida community, as the International University Book Fair event is held simultaneously. This brought together important publishing houses not only from Venezuela, but from other latitudes, to show their most recent books and became a meeting space.

Despite the budgetary suffocation, the lack of allocation of resources for research, teaching, endowment and technological updating, supplies and implements to develop experimental tasks, young people continue to bet on the academy, and resist renouncing their spaces.

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