Fuel Rationing in Paraguaná: Maintenance is extended for another month in the main gasoline production plant

Fuel Rationing in Paraguaná: Maintenance is extended for another month in the main gasoline production plant

The people in Paraguaná spend up to five days in line to fill up


A new fuel rationing is being suffered in the Paraguaná Peninsula, Falcón State, where the two only oil refineries that produce fuel are located in the Paraguaná Refining Center (CRP), the largest in Venezuela.

Correspondent lapatilla.com

La Patilla learned from oil workers that the catalytic plant at the Amuay refinery was scheduled to start up at the beginning of the second half of May after complex maintenance that kept it offline for almost two months. However, it was realized that it is not ready and requires at least one more month of work to put it into operation.

“Of the two plants that produce gasoline in the CRP, one in Amuay and the other in Cardón, the one in Amuay is offline because the refractory and regenerator are being repaired. These had the delivery ready date of today (May 12th), but because that they did not have the required amount of material to install the refractory, the maintenance stoppage is going to be extended 25 more days because the works have been extended. During the preliminary inspection that was carried out it was estimated for a short while, but now it takes another month,” said a worker who preferred not to identify himself.

He also assured that the Cardón catalytic plant is producing fuel, as are the distillers that are essential for the production of fuel, so fuel rationing cannot be explained, since gasoline is being produced.

Subsidized stations receive less than half of the fuel

In a tour of the subsidized service stations of the Paraguaná Peninsula, it was confirmed that the fuel has not been delivered regularly in the last few days. Most service stations used to receive between 20,000 and 28,000 liters of fuel daily, but last week they were only getting half of that amount.

“This week they only delivered (fuel) on Monday and Wednesday, today is Saturday and the gasoline did not arrive. People have days in line, but if the gasoline does not arrive, nothing can be done,” said a service man in Punto Fijo who was waiting for the arrival of the tanker truck.

The people of Paraguaná state that they have several days in line and also the allotted liters of fuel were reduced. “Before they gave us what we needed, now it’s only 20 or 30 liters, it all depends on how much gasoline is delivered to the service station and we pray to God for the tanker truck to arrive. Not even when living next to the refinery does one have guaranteed fuel. The “paraguanero” never thought it would come to this and here we are, also enduring the lack of gasoline,” said Omar Acosta in line at the Brisas de Paraguaná service station.

Until the publication of this note, PDVSA had not provided any information in this regard.