Medical College of Zulia revealed that the figures of malnourished children in the region are alarming

Medical College of Zulia revealed that the figures of malnourished children in the region are alarming

Photo: La Patilla


For M.D. Juan Carlos Velasco, Vice President of the College of Physicians in the region, the numbers of malnourished infants are increasingly alarming. Approximately five out of every ten minors suffer from malnutrition.

By La Patilla

Oct 06, 2022

Dr. Velasco also reported that the health problem starts at pregnancy, because the records handled by the union point to a significant rise in the number of malnourished pregnant women.

“In the region there are many women suffering from hunger, they cannot eat well and that is where the health problems for the newborn come from,” he said.

The medical authority highlighted that within the framework of the 81st anniversary of the College of Physicians they are carrying out social/humanitarian days in the poorest neighborhoods of Maracaibo where they have also detected malnutrition, dermatitis, cleft palate, gastrointestinal diseases, among many others.

Within the activities they also attended to older adults with all kinds of pathologies.

The census carried out by the medical union showed that the grandparents cannot control their chronic conditions or disease because they cannot buy medicines.

”We live a sad reality in the country, the people of Zulia do not escape from it. Older adults are torn between eating or buying medicine. They cannot buy medicines, they prefer to mitigate hunger, many of them only receive the IVSS pension, which does not even reach $15″ he said.

The doctors asked government authorities to urgently attend to the children of the state and of the country. In their opinion, the new generations are growing up with severe health problems caused by malnutrition.

Read More: La Patilla – Medical College of Zulia revealed that the figures of malnourished children in the region are alarming

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