Venezuela’s Maduro appoints Russia-friendly foreign minister as he reaches out to Putin

Venezuela’s Maduro appoints Russia-friendly foreign minister as he reaches out to Putin

Photo: Getty


VENEZUELA has once again extended a hand of friendship to the Kremlin as it appointed the country’s former ambassador to Russia as the new foreign minister to Nicolás Maduro’s government.

By ExpressTeresa Gottein Martínez

May 19, 2022

President Maduro announced Carlos Faría, who was serving as ambassador to Moscow, is becoming the Latin American nation’s new foreign minister. The diplomat’s appointment reinforces evidence of Venezuela’s close ties with Russia after the two nations’ leaders discussed their shared fears about the threats posed by the United States and NATO and the conflict in Ukraine over the phone in March.

Venezuela, along with Cuba and Nicaragua – all targets of US sanctions – is a Latin American ally of Moscow.

Maduro told a meeting with the Council of Vice Presidents of the National Executive: “Carlos Faría returns from Russia and takes over the reins of the Foreign Ministry.

“I have appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chancellor of the Republic, comrade Ambassador Carlos Faría.”

Speaking on national television on Monday, he said of Mr Faría: “He knows all the struggles of the geopolitical changes and all the struggles for hegemony in the world.”

The appointment, which comes at a time of increasing international isolation for Russian President Vladimir Putin, was followed by a call from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who congratulated his counterpart on his new job.

He also thanked Mr Faría for his important contribution as Ambassador of Venezuela to Russia to the strengthening of their strategic alliance.

Read More: Express – Venezuela’s Maduro appoints Russia-friendly foreign minister as he reaches out to Putin

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