“Venezuela’s dictatorship feeds back in a macabre way from Cuba’s,” said President Guaidó

“Venezuela’s dictatorship feeds back in a macabre way from Cuba’s,” said President Guaidó

El presidente encargado de Venezuela, Juan Guaidó. Photo: Fausto Torrealba – REUTERS


As a “macabre feedback”, President (e) Juan Guaidó defined the relationship and collaboration between the dictatorships of Venezuela and Cuba.

By CCN – Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Sep 28, 2020

He did so during the closing of the “Forum: Violation of Human Rights in Latin America”, in the cases of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, which took place this Monday online, where he also denounced that the human rights violations are committed by the Maduro regime in an “atrocious” way to maintain itself in the usurpation of power.

“We see how in a macabre way the Venezuelan dictatorship feeds back into that of Cuba, and we also see how Cuba does so from Nicolas Maduro’s regime. Today more than ever we have to fight for justice, as a global society we are obliged to move forward.

Guaidó, who also presides over the National Parliament, recalled that in the recent Report of the UN Mission on Human Rights in Venezuela, it was demonstrated that the dictatorship seeks the annihilation of a democratic alternative in the country.

He acknowledged and publicly thanked, and once again, the “courage” of the victims and of the NGO’s for denouncing each “atrocious” case contained in the UN Report.

The President of the Interim Government emphasized that it is not a previous regime that is linked to crimes against humanity and drug trafficking at the same time, but one that currently continues to usurp power in Venezuela.

He said that at the time of his intervention in the Forum, 27 protests were taking place in the country and that they were brutally repressed by the regime.

“Venezuela is going to remain firm in the struggle to achieve political change, to achieve justice for the victims of human rights violations committed by the regime”.

Guaidó took the opportunity to warn about the intentions of the dictatorship to “continue destabilizing” countries in the region.

Read More: CCN – Centro de Comunicación Nacional – “Venezuela’s dictatorship feeds back in a macabre way from Cuba’s,” said President Guaidó

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