La primer ministro de Barbados se reúne con representantes de EEUU y un Arreaza encaletado

La primer ministro de Barbados se reúne con representantes de EEUU y un Arreaza encaletado

La primer ministro de Barbados Mia Amor Mottley se reunió por separado con representantes de Los Gobiernos de los Estados Unidos y la República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Mottley y el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Walcott se reunieron por primera vez con la Embajadora residente de los Estados Unidos, la Sra. Linda S. Taglialatela, y posteriormente con Jorge Arreaza y Raul Li Causi. Los venezolanos viajaron especialmente a Barbados para la reunión.

Durante cada reunión, la primer ministro Mottley enfatizó que el diálogo continuo era esencial para una resolución pacífica de la situación política en Venezuela. Subrayó que la región del Caribe es una Zona de Paz y debe seguir siéndolo a toda costa.

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Barbados Takes Action To Resolve the Situation in Venezuela Bridgetown, Barbados (February 1, 2019) — Barbados’ commitment to working towards the peaceful resolution of the situation in Venezuela and in maintaining a Zone of Peace in the Caribbean was reaffirmed by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley when she met separately with representatives of the Governments of the United States and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Prime Minister Mottley and Foreign Minister Walcott first met with the resident US Ambassador Her Excellency Ms. Linda S. Taglialatela, and subsequently with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, His Excellency Mr. Jorge Arreaza and Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Raul Li Causi. The Venezuelan delegation traveled specially to Barbados for the meeting. During each meeting, Prime Minister Mottley emphasised that continued dialogue was essential to a peaceful resolution of the political situation in Venezuela. The Prime Minister underscored that the Caribbean region is a Zone of Peace and must remain so at all costs. She also highlighted that Barbados’ interaction with all countries is based on values and principles related to non-interference and non-intervention in the internal affairs of countries, respect for law and order the protection of democracy, and promotion of human rights. Prime Minister Mottley, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Senator Dr. Jerome Walcott and Attorney General Dale Marshall subsequently participated via video conference in the 7th Special Emergency Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community to review action taken by a contingent of Heads of Government at the United Nations in New York earlier this week and to consider developments since the New York meeting. Because of Barbados’ active engagement on the issue within CARICOM, Prime Minister Mottley has been invited to attend a meeting on Venezuela to be held in Uruguay next week to promote dialogue and a peaceful resolution in Venezuela. ###

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